Yiddish Choir Workshop
Aug 18 - 21
10 a.m. – 1 p.m. & 3 – 6 p.m.
with Polina Shepherd
You know how beautiful a choir sounds, but what is the sound of a Yiddish choir? The masterful choir director, singer, pianist and composer Polina Shepherd is ready to show you what Yiddish sound, phrasing and expression means in a choir setting. In this workshop you will sing a touching and exhilarating mixture of folk and original songs, including some rare gems collected over 100 years ago in towns and villages in Ukraine and Belarus during the famous An-ski expeditions. Thanks to the work of the Kiselgof-Makonvetsky Digital Manuscript Project, we’ll be able to sing these songs again for the first time in decades during Yiddish Summer Weimar. Starting with powerful nigunim that warm up the voice, open the heart and energize the body, the Yiddish Choir weaves together all of our voices into an instrument of great beauty and power. No knowledge of Yiddish is necessary, just a love of singing together and a passion to learn!
Workshop fee: 120 € Standard / 90 € Reduced / 150 € Sponsor / 60€ under 18 / 40 € Affected by the Corona pandemic
For information about the Standard, Reduced and Supporter fees >> read about